Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Author **David Hadrill in the following book Horse Healthcare - A Manual for Animal Health Workers and Owners said "the tube is going the right way to the stomach. If the stomach tube is going the wrong way, to the lungs, you will suck air back and the animal may cough."

Should Firemen be on the furnace in the fire of the 'run into the building of construct' as the lungs would fill with smoke and the oxygen tanks make ready not an explosive material yet do, than what is the solution to such nip and tuck as this is a concern today.  For reason and technical fashion Bill Grantham, William A Grantham & Associates, 799 Main St, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019,  (650) 726-4558, would come to our property in Montara to worm the horses (not really it was more like his lackeys as Grantham spent most all his time at the track) and I will in thorough use-this as only one expressive to object this discussion to a conversation of the science as begin; to tube your horse!!!!

Consider the experience of Grantham and know that those lackeys stood in line to apprentice for his office!!!!!

Should a Vet worm a horse via *tubing and as I learned from whom Grantham had hired for his Veterinary Practice and was also the Vet I had chosen to ride with to learn more about the job of a Veterinary and if I really wanted to go to U.C. Davis as that is a school of Veterinary Studies.

In this forum of what is not about me, I put to these short paragraphs the library of learned as what a Veterinarian must do as 'tubing a horse' is not done today, yet in aspect what I learned leans to this important information as a case for study.  The careful placement of that tube via the horses nostril.

For this, it is the thought that Vet's in the past have on accident and/or the learn (check with UC Davis study of record) that the tube can enter the lung and not the stomach of deposit.  Therefor as I was interested in becoming a Veterinarian and hence rode with a Vet that worked for Grantham back in the day, he would explain how the gullet was of great importance, as well as the feeling of where that tube is going as it is going from the horses nostril to the stomach.  He said that is really the biggest mistake that is overlooked as avoidable however it is tactical learning and hands-on experience that brings such precision of technique to the barn.

Now, for sake of comprehension and attention to my avid worry.  Why can people have pneumonia and not be dead before they are very ill??  The 'walking' versus the 'bacteria' pneumonia is of I to know that I had walking pneumonia as a kid and Becky had bacterial pneumonia when she was younger.  Mine was contracted from exhaustion and her's was contracted from my grandfather, however it was the cough that brought my attention to her's in a quick, for that cough was so specific to a memory of strange.  In the instant she coughed I stopped and said 'you have pneumonia' and told her that we had to immediately go to the doctor, which we did.  as I was her mother and guardian of my child's health in a fact it did not matter that she argued with me saying that she felt fine.

I took her to the doctor and sure enough she had pneumonia.  The only thing I learned that day for myself was that 'Walking Pneumonia" is not "Bacterial Pneumonia" and the vestment of difference is enormous and did make me feel much better that day.  To this I skip the obvious to go the point of this write.  Why is the lung of importance touching this aspect of concern??

From or too Firemen run into not as much burning buildings as much as run into all of the material such fires bring to the smoke that they must battle or process??  Well is this subject to Men as this is only the venture of an idea to protection of life itself.  Is a bite-guard able to denture the hold to a Firemen grip as seeding the lungs with a type or exact of epinephrine to deliver on the spot or to average a better oxygen exchange with not fright but to understand the bite of instant stand to foot??

Further notes from my thought will have to develop from this simple speak as that is far as I can contemplate this idea to the liquid in the lung of saving the Firemen from what is a fathom to breath.  i.e. liquid oxygen that bases the lung not submerges the lungs capacity to suffocating the air of breadth itself!!  A bit of stretch to the interim person on a rib for the crop, however should a persons interest comprehend this degree than off to the study of library right now and not having to wait for I to explain faster or better in a riddle or lap.


refer to this article  should you need a greater understanding to the fact that *tubing is not a made-up word.

** Horse Healthcare - A Manual for Animal Health Workers and Owners

Author(s): David Hadrill
Publication date: 2002
Number of pages: 256
Publisher: ITDG Publishing
ISBN: 1 85339 486 6
Copyright holder: David Hadrill