Thursday, September 29, 2016

Think Teeter-totter Not Not A Sled As The Harness Is Not Not The Bridle And The Bit Equals The Reins??

'apparatus to go under the furrow, land being water, water being stage to the salty float of just stilt'

Since of a commercial and the talk of the big one and the land Ding is reliant on the San Andreas line as a speaker fee to the audio of those Men outside and up the hill from San Miguel specific.  Should the fact of Ore on dry land know that a drill to the shake is indeed to much depth to context of now is the Oil Rig once a drill to say both the Pacific Ocean and the Bay counter to that scene.  As should the tab of sit at the base of below sand and into actual hardpan but preferably rock as that would deliver more information to the earlier warning method, this is just a bit piece to taste the vernacular to school.

The vertical line to a buoy would light that matter to a shift at an early object to the float of tide ding on the slightest of spoke from the sturdy lower shelf.  Should that grip be on a subject line than the rippling of that shimmering would or should reaction effect to show not a false alarm as the movement would be interrupted should it not be the San Andrea's on a gear.  AS the earth does that shimmy to a skirt and drop is the plank ton at the scene to avenue a philosophical thought too.  In discussion the ocean would provide a better and faster turf to place a thermal degree`d gauge as provision to signal.

Just on that the upset stomach comes to mind as the gurgling tum before that real throwing-up hits the porcelain throne.  To begin this as a possible show than the drilling could put to tube a fabric of liquid gel that would provide a settlements temperature to a type of volcanic thermometer.  In glacier study the Scientist takes to that sleeve to know the holds are of library on earth to Time sensitivity on light as melt and freeze.  The redwood also with groves that show rings in saying the drop to the lift is in new growth without the demise of the root to the old one.

This is just a speak to enhance the ability of those interested in the science of growing an easier way or path to the fathom of nautical degree as what is a movement to sand should the ground not be in a sieve??  Yet it is said that that single grain of salt is the glass that makes taking it while skeptics try-on what, the emperor's clothes??

To be placed on a sift and than be able to imagine a lock system to represent the "The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology as a mathematical device to compare the size of earthquakes. The magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded by seismographs". Than with a venetian blind and the following picture in a welded hinged slat the drop on the bottom of the shelf located on the ocean or bay's floor ride the slat's would lathe to the richter system as a magnitude of scale to know of the probable degree of that graduate shaker.

This is a tag to I as the explanation here is a tad bit challenging to explore in just these words as describing the hinge to flap as an accurate base to get the computation to Parkfield.  Technology is on the turns and with a future thought to subject I may be able to sentence structure to technique of word describe in better tour of idea to said done's.

USGS ~ 'science for a changing world' at

Measuring the Size of an Earthquake

Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel through the Earth; they are recorded on instruments called seismographs. Seismographs record a zig-zag trace that shows the varying amplitude of ground oscillations beneath the instrument. Sensitive seismographs, which greatly magnify these ground motions, can detect strong earthquakes from sources anywhere in the world. The time, locations, and magnitude of an earthquake can be determined from the data recorded by seismograph stations.

The Richter Scale

The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology as a mathematical device to compare the size of earthquakes. The magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded by seismographs. Adjustments are included for the variation in the distance between the various seismographs and the epicenter of the earthquakes. On the Richter Scale, magnitude is expressed in whole numbers and decimal fractions. For example, a magnitude 5.3 might be computed for a moderate earthquake, and a strong earthquake might be rated as magnitude 6.3. Because of the logarithmic basis of the scale, each whole number increase in magnitude represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude; as an estimate of energy, each whole number step in the magnitude scale corresponds to the release of about 31 times more energy than the amount associated with the preceding whole number value.
At first, the Richter Scale could be applied only to the records from instruments of identical manufacture. Now, instruments are carefully calibrated with respect to each other. Thus, magnitude can be computed from the record of any calibrated seismograph.
Earthquakes with magnitude of about 2.0 or less are usually called microearthquakes; they are not commonly felt by people and are generally recorded only on local seismographs. Events with magnitudes of about 4.5 or greater - there are several thousand such shocks annually - are strong enough to be recorded by sensitive seismographs all over the world. Great earthquakes, such as the 1964 Good Friday earthquake in Alaska, have magnitudes of 8.0 or higher. On the average, one earthquake of such size occurs somewhere in the world each year.
The Richter Scale is not commonly used anymore, as it has been replaced by another scale called the moment magnitude scale which is a more accurate measure of the earthquake size.


Modern seismographic systems precisely amplify and record ground motion (typically at periods of between 0.1 and 100 seconds) as a function of time. This amplification and recording as a function of time is the source of instrumental amplitude and arrival-time data on near and distant earthquakes. Although similar seismographs have existed since the 1890's, it was only in the 1930's that Charles F. Richter, a California seismologist, introduced the concept of earthquake magnitude. His original definition held only for California earthquakes occurring within 600 km of a particular type of seismograph (the Woods-Anderson torsion instrument). His basic idea was quite simple: by knowing the distance from a seismograph to an earthquake and observing the maximum signal amplitude recorded on the seismograph, an empirical quantitative ranking of the earthquake's inherent size or strength could be made. Most California earthquakes occur within the top 16 km of the crust; to a first approximation, corrections for variations in earthquake focal depth were, therefore, unnecessary.
Richter's original magnitude scale (ML) was then extended to observations of earthquakes of any distance and of focal depths ranging between 0 and 700 km. Because earthquakes excite both body waves, which travel into and through the Earth, and surface waves, which are constrained to follow the natural wave guide of the Earth's uppermost layers, two magnitude scales evolved - the mb and MSscales.
The standard body-wave magnitude formula is
mb = log10(A/T) + Q(D,h) ,
where A is the amplitude of ground motion (in microns); T is the corresponding period (in seconds); and Q(D,h) is a correction factor that is a function of distance, D (degrees), between epicenter and station and focal depth, h (in kilometers), of the earthquake. The standard surface-wave formula is
MS = log10 (A/T) + 1.66 log10 (D) + 3.30 .
There are many variations of these formulas that take into account effects of specific geographic regions, so that the final computed magnitude is reasonably consistent with Richter's original definition of ML. Negative magnitude values are permissible.
A rough idea of frequency of occurrence of large earthquakes is given by the following table:
    MS       Earthquakes
              per year
 ----------  -----------
 8.5 - 8.9       0.3
 8.0 - 8.4       1.1
 7.5 - 7.9       3.1
 7.0 - 7.4      15
 6.5 - 6.9      56
 6.0 - 6.4     210
This table is based on data for a recent 47 year period. Perhaps the rates of earthquake occurrence are highly variable and some other 47 year period could give quite different results.
The original mb scale utilized compressional body P-wave amplitudes with periods of 4-5 s, but recent observations are generally of 1 s-period P waves. The MS scale has consistently used Rayleigh surface waves in the period range from 18 to 22 s.
When initially developed, these magnitude scales were considered to be equivalent; in other words, earthquakes of all sizes were thought to radiate fixed proportions of energy at different periods. But it turns out that larger earthquakes, which have larger rupture surfaces, systematically radiate more long-period energy. Thus, for very large earthquakes, body-wave magnitudes badly underestimate true earthquake size; the maximum body-wave magnitudes are about 6.5 - 6.8. In fact, the surface-wave magnitudes underestimate the size of very large earthquakes; the maximum observed values are about 8.3 - 8.7. Some investigators have suggested that the 100 s mantle Love waves (a type of surface wave) should be used to estimate magnitude of great earthquakes. However, even this approach ignores the fact that damage to structure is often caused by energy at shorter periods. Thus, modern seismologists are increasingly turning to two separate parameters to describe the physical effects of an earthquake: seismic moment and radiated energy.
Fault Geometry and Seismic Moment, MO
The orientation of the fault, direction of fault movement, and size of an earthquake can be described by the fault geometry and seismic moment. These parameters are determined from waveform analysis of the seismograms produced by an earthquake. The differing shapes and directions of motion of the waveforms recorded at different distances and azimuths from the earthquake are used to determine the fault geometry, and the wave amplitudes are used to compute moment. The seismic moment is related to fundamental parameters of the faulting process.
MO = µS‹d› ,
where µ is the shear strength of the faulted rock, S is the area of the fault, and <d> is the average displacement on the fault. Because fault geometry and observer azimuth are a part of the computation, moment is a more consistent measure of earthquake size than is magnitude, and more importantly, moment does not have an intrinsic upper bound. These factors have led to the definition of a new magnitude scale MW, based on seismic moment, where
MW = 2/3 log10(MO) - 10.7 .
The two largest reported moments are 2.5 X 1030 dyn·cm (dyne·centimeters) for the 1960 Chile earthquake (MS 8.5; MW 9.6) and 7.5 X 1029 dyn·cm for the 1964 Alaska earthquake (MS 8.3; MW 9.2). MS approaches its maximum value at a moment between 1028 and 1029 dyn·cm.
Energy, E
The amount of energy radiated by an earthquake is a measure of the potential for damage to man-made structures. Theoretically, its computation requires summing the energy flux over a broad suite of frequencies generated by an earthquake as it ruptures a fault. Because of instrumental limitations, most estimates of energy have historically relied on the empirical relationship developed by Beno Gutenberg and Charles Richter:
log10E = 11.8 + 1.5MS
where energy, E, is expressed in ergs. The drawback of this method is that MS is computed from an bandwidth between approximately 18 to 22 s. It is now known that the energy radiated by an earthquake is concentrated over a different bandwidth and at higher frequencies. With the worldwide deployment of modern digitally recording seismograph with broad bandwidth response, computerized methods are now able to make accurate and explicit estimates of energy on a routine basis for all major earthquakes. A magnitude based on energy radiated by an earthquake, Me, can now be defined,
Me = 2/3 log10E - 2.9.
For every increase in magnitude by 1 unit, the associated seismic energy increases by about 32 times.
Although Mw and Me are both magnitudes, they describe different physical properites of the earthquake. Mw, computed from low-frequency seismic data, is a measure of the area ruptured by an earthquake. Me, computed from high frequency seismic data, is a measure of seismic potential for damage. Consequently, Mw and Me often do not have the same numerical value.
The increase in the degree of surface shaking (intensity) for each unit increase of magnitude of a shallow crustal earthquake is unknown. Intensity is based on an earthquake's local accelerations and how long these persist. Intensity and magnitude thus both depend on many variables that include exactly how rock breaks and how energy travels from an earthquake to a receiver. These factors make it difficult for engineers and others who use earthquake intensity and magnitude data to evaluate the error bounds that may exist for their particular applications.
An example of how local soil conditions can greatly influence local intensity is given by catastrophic damage in Mexico City from the 1985, MS 8.1 Mexico earthquake centered some 300 km away. Resonances of the soil-filled basin under parts of Mexico City amplified ground motions for periods of 2 seconds by a factor of 75 times. This shaking led to selective damage to buildings 15 - 25 stories high (same resonant period), resulting in losses to buildings of about $4.0 billion and at least 8,000 fatalities.
The occurrence of an earthquake is a complex physical process. When an earthquake occurs, much of the available local stress is used to power the earthquake fracture growth to produce heat rather than to generate seismic waves. Of an earthquake system's total energy, perhaps 10 percent to less that 1 percent is ultimately radiated as seismic energy. So the degree to which an earthquake lowers the Earth's available potential energy is only fractionally observed as radiated seismic energy.
Determining the Depth of an Earthquake
Earthquakes can occur anywhere between the Earth's surface and about 700 kilometers below the surface. For scientific purposes, this earthquake depth range of 0 - 700 km is divided into three zones: shallow, intermediate, and deep.
Shallow earthquakes are between 0 and 70 km deep; intermediate earthquakes, 70 - 300 km deep; and deep earthquakes, 300 - 700 km deep. In general, the term "deep-focus earthquakes" is applied to earthquakes deeper than 70 km. All earthquakes deeper than 70 km are localized within great slabs of shallow lithosphere that are sinking into the Earth's mantle.
The evidence for deep-focus earthquakes was discovered in 1922 by H.H. Turner of Oxford, England. Previously, all earthquakes were considered to have shallow focal depths. The existence of deep-focus earthquakes was confirmed in 1931 from studies of the seismograms of several earthquakes, which in turn led to the construction of travel-time curves for intermediate and deep earthquakes.
The most obvious indication on a seismogram that a large earthquake has a deep focus is the small amplitude, or height, of the recorded surface waves and the uncomplicated character of the P and S waves. Although the surface-wave pattern does generally indicate that an earthquake is either shallow or may have some depth, the most accurate method of determining the focal depth of an earthquake is to read a depth phase recorded on the seismogram. The most characteristic depth phase is pP. This is the P wave that is reflected from the surface of the Earth at a point relatively near the epicenter. At distant seismograph stations, the pP follows the P wave by a time interval that changes slowly with distance but rapidly with depth. This time interval, pP-P (pP minus P), is used to compute depth-of-focus tables. Using the time difference of pP-P as read from the seismogram and the distance between the epicenter and the seismograph station, the depth of the earthquake can be determined from published travel-time curves or depth tables.
Another seismic wave used to determine focal depth is the sP phase - an S wave reflected as a P wave from the Earth's surface at a point near the epicenter. This wave is recorded after the pP by about one-half of the pP-P time interval. The depth of an earthquake can be determined from the sP phase in the same manner as the pP phase by using the appropriate travel-time curves or depth tables for sP.
If the pP and sP waves can be identified on the seismogram, an accurate focal depth can be determined.
by William Spence, Stuart A. Sipkin, and George L. Choy
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Volume 21, Number 1, 1989

*Possible Shale To Thread On The Silk Wormhole To Journal Idea On Massive Scale As Mars Would Be Inside The Impact Shake (question mark or exclamation point doesn't fit this "*title" light as thorough to beams or headlamps)

Should the cause to a black hole be on the simple score of that leveling of a breeze to a wind on a hot summer's day inland resulting the pull of the off-shore to cool that inland heat.  At that in space recognized on land earth to ground seen via a weather fork at the place of particle to the actual breeze to win spark to charge that torque.  Should that find a scale of sheet to slide??  No, the spread be would be a building affair as the temperature would have to suck to the stream of what is a breeze that is not in that deed cooling the spear of what would in that be a cone.

To break a thought as to in gauge this style of thought would might be a nor text rather the vortex of exclaim on idea in the cosmic gravity as describing what is known regularly as the Big Bang??  For that would by process stoop to a volcanic upside down as the rock to creamed as best correspondence once deep space now would theory planet to ground shore a beach.  As evolution strides to creation on what is a sleep, would this bring envelope to the mind to begin to see nature as an explaining force on planet formation in expression of a galaxy in a universe as a Solar Systems kier.

The salve or grease to this wheel may be found in understanding rotation to the actual seasons that are recognized on planet's term to human habitation.  As the glacier beacons both solid and than fill is it that express of Train bringing slide as a picture, not a negative but at that kodak moment the Polaroid of camera ready study??

That would be than not line of sight but the line of rupture in Space to touch a time to travel scale that in fact may be the traveling of futuristic success.  

SFPD, Guidance, Compassion, Mapping And Faxed!!!!!

The Times in the Ages is by charge of what is the element of thought to an accepted stack of writes on and in history or as the story tiered.  To be of the strike on a 1960's sole is the age of aquarius at the balance of many people once attempting to stride nirvana.  As the Haight became a reality to the U.S.A. it was the tour buses that ushered crowds of gossip.  Text in Newspaper Columnist hand-typed local papers gave a realm off the San Francisco daily walk as each day the adventurer stopped at different plots to sing leased reasons from or for such uplifted candor in this country.

Stiff fee's came from trip's on journals as I know the lava lamp held for I the fascination for the length to memory find at the release factoring each addition as my mother drove cadence to Northern California.  To explain in future to I the drives that my mother would care to my life brought a fiscal library to not angle my mind in a stipend of receipt, rather gave rise to parking spaced as description for any person quirking a read it would be as compared to 'index cards' at each turn in the road.  To better comprehend this one would have to relax the imagination and know of nature's pathway to not developing a connect, just the simple know of the Keep.

Inch that to a drive for myself today.  I enjoy the comfort of not mapping as each quest of adventure with my mother set these gears for safe holding's, so in that thrifty range as a child I don't wrench myself to memory.  To further people's knowledge of sorting this type of filing method is to believe that each birch or redwood grove grew in the time's between.  This again puts to natural progression not to ram or rum such ship to shore the palm, it is as the landing of no see sickness.  There in that style of encyclopedic tie, it provided I with no choking of even a single steep, or, quite tussled at the time what to do as understanding or knowing without knowing, that common gravity of a savant or more ancient stern, a Sage.

The impossible is the possible waiting to happen was the first foremost sentence giving I an opportunity to explore these interesting and growing reef's.  The underwater scuba of my life and the oxygen that I breathed after my mother and I were no-longer able to go for these infamous drives settled for a a very long haul.  The attempt to understand the human conditioning of constantly denying out-of-hand one thing and than running to church to beg protection or set prayer girdles to sweep their lives with choir.  Although this may fathom a short knot to the depth of trail, this is dry-land and it is still in deed of communication the correspondence that allows any party of shored to imagine their lives in such study of reaction.

The other also that put plates to license on the yearly D.M.V. fee's (correlation) was that 'just get over it', 'you need to forgive', 'forgive and forget' and many other confusing parades of conversations that brought I to say that it is not my job to forgive as only I can forgive I, for you must come to the grip of your reach and there find the screw to the tools that gave hardware to your spoke.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Bamboo Reef A Goods School Back In The Day That Said The Pool Was A Tube!!!!!

The excitement of the learning robot thrives, my sides to The Goods, today the 27th of September 2016! A note to speak not a land nor a factor rather the honest fraction to add the arithmetic to Time in the coming found.

Happy are the hours in the clue to what is on the earth's hemming way to regard the technology as on-it's path to know that comfort is the ability to comprehend more than a rake.  Said in providence an in the kind I have known that these days of thunder to light housing are from the systematic of wares in the palm of a hand.  No shaking required, to salt and peppers trade on the Silk Binds of what is a foot Trail to the horse's hoofs.

As the bearing of the U.S.A. makes in future to love or counter I know that to hug a dream is to provide to my family a simple speak to direction of my feat.  This will be the process of a gentle step at a Time in the Ages that has brought to my shoulder to much to harness and therefor I bridle.

A bit to that piece is the saddle and as the girth of such English is of why the country of chose is better for I and I ask nothing for return of eventual language as learning verse is an adventure that is not French and that makes this letter an introduction.  Worth to choice is of an ancient line that study will not occupy but rather entice my mind in thought of philosophical sound, a type of call that is found only familiar to a seer at the gratitude of latitude and enabling the continue to go 'Onward forward' as oppose to the fence that in the United States of America is ironic to the Picket.

Shift with the gear as a minuet to shore is not not an opera of a symphonic pan as the lids in example have in deed been to the television on advertisement of and with particular continents and The Goods of solid communication.

Green card's are not a find line as to know of the invitation is to read the rules of engagement and than to be grateful for the grade of degree.  Call it a dial of the oldest realm, reason as discussion is far passed to whom it may concern for the drive is as easy as the license to a California Id.  Thereby the ease of movement is not a framed job rather the introduction of adventure by not throwing to the birds a tick that's pulse is feathered by mites.

As riddles are seen to a poet's preen the bisque of clam is a pearl not string.  "The oyster's natural reaction is to cover up that irritant to protect itself. The mantle covers the irritant with layers of the same nacre substance that is used to create the shell. This eventually forms a pearl. So a pearl is a foreign substance covered with layers of nacre" read more to not solve the crossword puzzle as the fax is a knowing of that office to role;

What Is A Con As The Word In The Whole Add's In Edition A Few Other's To It's Hyphenated Kim In A Simple Three Sill A Bull Trowel Such As Con ^Script^Shinned Or Is This *McGuffey's Book And Chapter Shunned Bye Sake Of Process On Cent Tents??

A strata of verbal communication to that road of discovery is not a realm of words to counter a suggestion via the beam of only a sign.  As people in habit turn to vampire a group as opposition to the idea of a shoulder the creative design will continue to empty a field to the impact of a comet's smiled at the mile wide measure of exact to actual ream. The crater left is a mark indeed, and as such will show stride of the deep space traveling at the race of light to impact, yet as the landing is a mushroom's boom it will only stipulate the scar of what is a wreck for the land is more than a catcher's mitt!!

As human beings on foot to Feat.

Beach as the gentle sand waves to grace the oceans stream of what is a flow.  Tides in charge will hour a chart on a system that is in kind able to score the handle by a clock in the warn of knowing the venture to deep water in the ore as the wading ankle makes the meteor a discussion to earth on her abode.  Method this while the conversation expands to fill the gentle sand, waves, grace, oceans, stream, and the flow with appropriate line to accompany your personal value to the easily comprehended landing of the first Man on the Moon.  As Neil Armstrong has long grasped the fellowship of journal to the prowess of individual in a watch, his quote -- "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

To touch at the race of mankind is to be familiar with why the Moon is not the Sun and a star is exploding an ancient list to light the skies line with planetary directive.  Shoes on planets to able an element is as the ice is glacier's fly.  Taught bind of ream at the paper of priced for the tree is what to the mill of observation on the grove's charge??  Steep in that is grass, a flavor of sweet oat's sway as the wheat is rice's fined in the Wind's channel.  A discussion of fell by the placed is as the chills rise a goose with a graveside chattel of battle the seed of said on that tomb's stone.  Sluff-off the shoulder's bean and that merced ranges ditch with the water's wheel on the swamp's hand.  Salvage a barge by the flat-bottom bone's and skeleton's raise to mirror the phone??

Crimson tides at the red-faced anger is perhaps the seen of only a tangerine at the expense of an Orange Tree's roof, however in the blush of apples baled, the barrel of the reach will know of one idiom. A proverb and most certainly known to humanity on the immediacy of said, 'one rotten (or bad) apple spoils the barrel' as defined with ( is core to an exact for the sword and the fact. In addition to the arithmetic of 'a rolling stone gathers no moss but it gains a certain polish' delivering a proverb with the engagement of the entire fit as ruined??  Lesson per the instructive to what is the cause will follow only should the cedar enclose that Wine's grape to the sealed lid??

What skull of brain casing is littered with environment, sheds to the shears of humanitarian's walk, places thought as an extra convenience and charges each day with shoulders of communication to the spoken tongue at the price of world letter and to the cost of such enunciation that spelling is the only identifier as differential's gear to shifting pen & stow by simply writing seared by path of cere, on a segway of a seer, to state sere??

McGuffey Readers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cover of McGuffey's First Reader
McGuffey Readers were a series of graded primers, for grade levels 1-6. They were widely used as textbooks in American schools from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, and are still used today in some private schools and in homeschooling.
It is estimated that at least 120 million copies of McGuffey's Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960, placing its sales in a category with theBible and Webster's Dictionary.[1]Since 1961, they have continued to sell at a rate of some 30,000 copies a year.[1] Only the Ray's Arithmeticseries (1834-1913), written by a colleague of McGuffey's and begun in 1834, matched it in popularity.[1]


Early life, education, and early career[edit]

The editor of the Readers, William Holmes McGuffey, was born September 23, 1800, near Claysville, Pennsylvania, and moved to Youngstown, Ohio with his parents in 1802. McGuffey's family had emigrated to America from Scotland in 1774, and brought with them strong opinions on religion and a belief in education. Consequently, education and preaching the Gospel were McGuffey's passions. He had a remarkable ability to memorize and could commit to memory entire books of the Bible.
McGuffey became a "roving" teacher at the age of 14, beginning with 48 students in a one-room school in Calcutta, Ohio and at a seminary in the town of Poland, Ohio. The size of the class was just one of several challenges the young McGuffey faced. In many one-teacher schools, students' ages varied from six to 21. McGuffey often worked 11 hours a day, six days a week, in a succession of frontier schools, primarily in the state of Kentucky. Students brought their own books, most frequently the Bible, since few textbooks existed.
Between teaching jobs, McGuffey received a classical education at the Old Stone Academy (aka The Greersburg Academy) in Darlington, Pennsylvania. He went on to study at Washington College (now Washington & Jefferson College), where he graduated in 1826. That same year, he was appointed to a position as Professor of Languages at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Later career[edit]

Although famous as the author of the Readers, McGuffey wrote few other works. He left Miami University for positions of successively greater responsibility at Cincinnati College,Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, and Woodward College in Cincinnati (where he served as president). He ended his career as a Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Virginia.

Personal life[edit]

In 1827, McGuffey married Harriet Spinning, and the couple eventually had five children.[citation needed]
Through the Civil War and following years, McGuffey was known for his philanthropy and generosity among the poor and newly emancipated African Americans.[citation needed]


McGuffey died in 1873.[citation needed]


While McGuffey was teaching at Miami University, he established a reputation as a lecturer on moral and biblical subjects. In 1835, the small Cincinnati publishing firm of Truman and Smith asked McGuffey to create a series of four graded readers for primary-level students. McGuffey had been recommended for the job by Harriet Beecher Stowe, a longtime friend. He completed the first two readers within a year of signing his contract, receiving a fee of $1,000 ($20,000 in 2015 dollars). While McGuffey compiled the first four readers (1836-1837 edition), the fifth and sixth were created by his brother Alexander, during the 1840s. The series consisted of stories, poems, essays, and speeches. The advanced Readers contained excerpts from the works of well-regarded English and American writers and politicians such as Lord ByronJohn Milton, and Daniel Webster.
Most schools of the 19th century used only the first two in the series of McGuffey's four readers. The first Reader taught reading by using the phonics method, the identification of letters and their arrangement into words, and aided with slate work. The second Reader was used once the student could read. It helped them to understand the meaning of sentences while providing vivid stories which children could remember. The third Reader taught the definitions of words and was written at a level equivalent to the modern 5th or 6th grade. The fourth Reader was written for the highest levels of ability on the grammar school level.
McGuffey's Readers were among the first textbooks in the United States designed to become increasingly challenging with each volume. They used word repetition in the text as a learning tool, developing reading skills by challenging students using the books. Sounding-out, enunciation, and accents were emphasized. Colonial-era texts had offered dull lists of 20 to 100 new words per page for memorization. In contrast, McGuffey used new vocabulary words in the context of real literature, gradually introducing new words and carefully repeating the old.
McGuffey believed that teachers, as well as their students, should study the lessons and suggested they read aloud to their classes. He also listed questions after each story, for he believed that asking questions was critical for a teacher to give instruction. The Readers emphasized spelling, vocabulary, and formal public speaking, which, in 19th-century America, was a more common requirement than today.
McGuffey is remembered as a conservative theological teacher. He interpreted the goals of public schooling in terms of moral and spiritual education, and attempted to give schools a curriculum that would instill Presbyterian Calvinist beliefs and manners in their students. While these goals were considered suitable for the relatively homogeneous America of the early-to-mid-19th century, they were less so for the increasingly pluralistic society that developed in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The content of the readers changed drastically between McGuffey's 1836-1837 edition and the 1879 edition. The revised Readers were compiled to meet the needs of national unity and the dream of an American melting pot for the world's oppressed masses. The Calvinist values of salvation, righteousness, and piety, so prominent in the early Readers, were excluded from the later versions. The content of the books was secularized and replaced by middle-class civil religion, morality and values. McGuffey's name was featured on these revised editions, yet he neither contributed to them nor approved their content.
Other types of schoolbooks gradually replaced McGuffey's in the academic marketplace. The desire for distinct grade levels, less overtly religious content, and the greater profitability of consumable workbooks, helped to bring about their decline. McGuffey's Readers never entirely disappeared, however. Reprinted versions of his Readers are still in print, and may be purchased in bookstores across the country. Today, McGuffey's Readers are popular among homeschoolers and in some Protestant religious schools.[2]


Pulitzer-Prize winning writer Ron Powers notes that the Readers effected the first mass-educated and mass-literate generation in the modern world.
Henry Ford's childhood set of McGuffey's Readers
The manufacturer Henry Ford cited McGuffey's Readers as one of his most important childhood influences. He was an avid fan of McGuffey's Readers first editions, and claimed as an adult to be able to quote from McGuffey's by memory at great length. Ford republished all six Readers from the 1867 edition and distributed complete sets of them, at his own expense, to schools across the United States. In 1934, Ford had the log cabin where McGuffey was born moved to Greenfield Village, Ford's museum of Americana atDearborn, Michigan. In 1936, Ford was an associate editor (along with Hamlin GarlandJohn W. Studebaker and William F. Wiley) of a collection of excerpts from McGuffey Readers. This 482-page compendium was dedicated to Ford, "lifelong devotee of his boyhood Alma Mater, the McGuffey Readers".
American composer Burrill Phillips composed a work entitled Selections from McGuffey's Reader, for orchestra, based on poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. It was completed in 1933.